Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Sean!

We Love You!


Janet said...

Your kids are so cute. You do so many fun things with them. You are so lucky to have kids that are good readers. My oldest Ciarra loves to read but both Jayden and Alyssa hate to read. It is a terrible thing. How can you not enjoy reading? Anyway, would love to send you an invite. Thanks.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to Sean! Happy Birthday to Sean! Haaaappppeeeeee Birthdaaaaay dear Seaner boy. Happy Birthday to yooooooooouu! (Auntie Ann singing) I have been waiting all week for your mom to post your birthday so I could sing by typing and I didn't see the post until this morning. I hope you had a great day. Love ya, Auntie Ann

~* Laura Ann *~ said...

Happy Birthday Sean!!! (A little late, but better late than never!) Goodness you are so goodlooking! ha ha! And you started school recently, thats cool! Good luck with that my friend, and my advice is learn to do math really really well, that way when you get to college you don't feel like a complete idiot!!! :D Love you guys!

Mike and Kim said...

Happy birthday Sean!! I can't believe how big your kids are getting!!

¤Kirsten¤ said...

Wow i remember when you were pregnant with him. And before that when you lived with us...and I got baptised and moms 35 bday. 11 years ago today. wow. anywhow he is gettting so old! or maybe im getting old im not sure. I don't think I am. so what was your rank when you got out of the army? what was brians? i should be in ait by mid november at the latest ( 90 wks long!). I am healed im just waiting to finish my trianing. I got to fort huachuca. I am a 35M. I get to go to the defense language schoool in monterey cali for it. Pretty excited I hope its not to hard core. anyways I am just hanging in there give everyone hugs for me...xcept steven im sure hes too cool for that lol.

Ann said...

lOVE,lOVE,lOVE THE NEW BACKGROUND. Now I'm waiting for some new pictures and news:)