Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving Pumkins

We were late in getting into the Halloween mood this year with Brian being out of town and I not knowing up from down lately...
I had to work so Brian took them to the pumpkin patch, but they had nothing! They suggested that Brian just take them to Albertsons. So he did. He said there wasn't even a real good selection there.
I was a little bummed out with this report but once I asked the kids they were just as happy with their pumpkins as ever!

The next night we carved them up. Actually, Brian and the kids did, I fed the baby.

Seth wasn't too excited about digging pumpkin guts out. "It's yucky"

Sean watched TV and did pumpkin guts at the same time!
In the end we had glowing, scary pumpkins in time for the trick or treaters!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Steven's Homecoming Sophmore Year

Steven always gets a date for Homecoming. Last year I was in complete shock when I found out Homecoming was a FORMAL dance. This year I was a little better prepared. I even gave in a little and let him ride in the limo...Anyway, this is him getting ready for his big night!

He snuck into his dad's shaving cream and razor. I told him he had to let me take his picture or I would tell! Hee hee!

He was trying to decide who to ask to the dance I suggested to take someone fun. He asked Becca cause she was a "real good friend and fun to be with".

I got a wrist corsage to avoid those embarrassing "how do I pin it on her?" moments. Steven puts it on and says "ta-da!"

Then it was her turn with the boutonniere. She had a harder time. First she tried, then her mom came and tried....

but in the end on of the other guys got it on for them.

Then group for your parents!

Climbing into the limo...

In the again for mom!

They took the limo to an Italian restaurant in Seattle, then to Dairy Queen for desert. They did photos and then danced the night away. They have after parties too, but Steven has a curfew.

In the end he said it was a really good time and that Becca was really fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Seth's Field Trip to the Pumkin Patch

This is Seth's first year in preschool! I kept him home last year since it was going to be our last year together before Sawyer came! His school does a field trip once a month. This one was to a local farm/pumpkin patch. His dad took him and they had a great time!

This is Seth as a Pig! This is Seth ON a pig! This is Seth with his new friend!

Friday, October 24, 2008


So I keep getting these subtle hints..."you should post that on your blog", "are you a blog drop out?"...from my loving sister! So I set the time aside to catch it all up. BUT! When I went to download pictures from the camera the battery was dead, so then I thought "I'll do my photo tag" but my husband hid the digital photos from me (something about a back up drive). So I changed my background and waited for Brian to get home and the battery to charge.

In the meantime; I took the kids to High School Musical 3. I...I mean...We LOVED it! To admit the truth I never sat down and watched either of the previous HSM completely, but I listen to the soundtracks a million times! This is my favorite! I kept getting into it and clapping and hollering, but was told(by my own children) that I was embarrassing and to be quiet. It's a cheering type of show, they just didn't get it.

Well, here is my photo tag. For this tag you are supposed to go to your picture folders and go to the 4th folder over and pick the 4th picture out of it and post it.

Well, believe it or not...this IS NOT Sawyer. It is SAMANTHA! This was Jul 2001, she was three months old. I loved this small cradle I had for her. I tried to find one similar for Sawyer but couldn't. I think this is about the time she really started smiling. Looks to be about bedtime, didn't I post one like this of Sawyer a little while ago?

I tag Amber, Sharon, Alan & Sara, and Kimberly T.
HA! I found four to tag! Sorry if you got tagged already I have a small list!