Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Hike

For Memorial Day we went to Snowqualmie Falls. All except for Steven, he wanted to hang with his friends. The falls is really big with the spring run off. We even got some sunshine for our happy day.

We had to hike down to the base of the falls to get this great shot. Look at how little the people are compared to the falls!

We had to conquer steep terrain and relentless tree roots...

leap tree stumps in a single bound...

search for mystical creatures found in "Author Spiderwick's Field Guide"...

finally reaching our destination to bring you this fantastic shot of my adorable kids:)


Ann said...

What a fun day with your kids. You do such awesome family things. Your children will have such happy memories.

Wes said...

Looks like tons of fun. My wife and I have made it out goal to buy less and do more. The kids will long remember the things we do together. Your kids are adorable and so BIG! What happens to the time? Thanks so much for sharing.

Janet said...

Hi Kathi, I've been wanting to blog hop from Roger and Ann's to your blog so I'm glad you checked us out. Your family is so cute. I posted a comment on Ann's when she had pictures from her trip to see Sawyer and I said you look so great especially after just having a baby. It will be so fun to learn more about you and your family. Thanks for the suggestion about the Fablehaven books. I think that might be the books to do this summer with Jayden. Take Care. :)